Monday, April 11, 2011


Why hello there blog! It appears I have not written in quite a while... so much for daily posting in 2011! All the same, I really do miss blogging and would like to get back into it again. My winter quarter was INSANE and I'm surprised I blogged as much as I did in January. February AND March have passed since I last wrote, but I wouldn't see it so much that I "failed" in my daily posting (which, okay, yes, I did technically fail) but that I simply took the project in a different direction. During the time I didn't post public blogs here, I kept a more private journal using a Google Chrome app called Pillarbox. It's quite fun and nifty and it's nice to use as a little journal to quickly type of personal thoughts. Sometimes I feel like when I blog publicly on the internet I create a sort of persona instead of writing things I really think. Except, I don't really want to write down everything I think at the time. Sometimes those things are mean. Sometimes these things are whiny. Sometimes they're stupid (I recently went back and read some of my old livejournal posts from middle school for example. Egads I was quite the... individual). Sometimes these things are things I think at the time then quickly change my mind. Sometimes these things are sad. Still, I miss blogging and putting things out there for whoever to read.

Anyway, lately I've been walking home after classes due to the fact it's been sunny, not rainy (yes, it can be sunny AND rainy at the same time, silly Washington), and not too cold. I've realized this year I really like taking long walks, especially by myself. It's a great time to sort of let my mind wander and see what I come up with. On my way home today I realized that recently my consuming has severely trumped my creating. Normally I'm blogging, creating youtube videos, writing creative fiction, crocheting, and doing things that work to create the world I make to live in. Except, lately I've been doing a lot more consuming. I've been reading blogs, watching youtube videos, reading books/comics, watching movies, playing video games, etc. I realize I do a lot of this normally, but it's taken up the entirety of my free time. Even in school I haven't been doing more than take what teacher says --> Internalize --> regurgitate without really thinking. Consuming without creating. Taking without giving.

Which, honestly, is a little depressing.

So here is me attempting to add a little more creation back into my life. I'm hoping to start blogging more and making some youtube videos (I even have a few planned!). I've also got another project in the works that may or may not actually happen. I hope it will, and I've told a few people the idea (and everyone has told me to go for it in some way/shape/form) so we'll see what happens there.

Oh also, I'm studying in Japan this summer. My application is pending some additional personal information, but pending further acts of God and whatnot I will be spending two months in Japan. Oh my goodness.

Oh, and another thing I read some scans for the Mass Effect 3 article in the lastest Gameinformer Magazine and OH MY GOODNESS. Serious. Freaking. Nerdgasm. I cannot begin to describe how excited I am for this. Not gonna lie, it's mostly for Kaiden. Reapers are epic and all, but Kaiden FTW!