Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let him smell his way to Dover

I've spent the past few days trying to read as much King Lear as possible (which is where the title is taken from),  catching up on sleep, going to class, and attempting to get as much work done as possible (I know, fascinating).  However, the last item on the list really hasn't happened today.  I got out of class around 11:30 (Japanese is my last class of the day, and although it's supposed to end around noon we get out early a lot) and ended up doing nothing for a really long time.  I exercised for a bit, read some blogs on the internet, and watched the episode of Chuck that aired last Monday.  I later met with an adviser for one of the majors I'm planning on doing though, so I suppose that was productive.

As a side note, I think I freak out advisers a little.  I usually go in with a specific plan, and one or two very specific questions that I couldn't figure out myself.  They always seem a little confused as to why I'm not still asking them questions that require long, nebulous answers.

Anyway, after that Jamie asked if I wanted to go to the arboretum. Of course it was raining (I think I've only ever gone hiking in the arboretum when it was raining) but it was still fun.  I mean, if you consider trying to climb up steep muddy hills fun (which I do).  When we got to the watchtower we had an interesting philosophical discussion.  I love that tall buildings.  There is something about a tall building that looks over a city or a town that lends itself to a discussion about life and the way things are and could be.

We talked about the amount of people we meet, and the people we'll never meet.  I mean, there's so many people on the planet, but how many people will we really encounter?  How many people will we call acquaintances?  Friends?  Best friends?  Lovers?  What is it about the people that come into our lives that make us spend our time on them?  The psychology class I took last year would tell you it's about proximity and similarity, which I suppose is part of it.  Would I be friends with some of these people if I didn't live in the dorm I do, or took the classes I do?  Maybe, but maybe not.  While this is true, I feel like there's another aspect to it all.  Maybe it's part of my own personal philosophy on life that everything happens for a reason.

Anyway, I thought it was an interesting discussion and I thought I would share it with you (whoever is reading this).  Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?  Leave a comment if you do ^_^ Speaking of comments, I think if you're reading this you should leave questions.  I would like to blog more, but I really don't know what to blog about.  It can be like formspring!  Really, it'll be fun :D

Oh! As a side note, my roommate has a blog now :D  I need to ask her for the link, and I've also promised to assist her in the aesthetics, but I think it's fun she got one.

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