In the past three months I've done a ridiculous number of things that I really should have blogged about while they happened but now I don't know where to start on any of it. I finished my first year of college, got an A in a class I thought I would barely get a B in, went on a few trips with friends, climbed through a forest of trees and fallen down logs, experienced more car trouble in the month of May than I have since I've started driving (although, it wasn't my car), learned to knit, turned 20...
See? Too many things. However, last year young adult author Maureen Johnson started this thing called BEDA (Blog Every Day in April), but for 2010 she's moved it to August. I didn't participate last year, but I have decided I'm going to do it this year so I'm sure I'll have a chance to catch up on some of these stories. Until then, know that in the past month I've really done nothing but play video games, knit, read, write, and watch Avatar:The Last Airbender.
To make up for lack of "interestingness" in this post, here's some pretty pictures of fireworks from the 4th of July:
Your fireworks pictures are quite excellent, m'dear! :)