Sunday, January 16, 2011


I'm currently in the last five episodes of season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer while baking banana bread and banana cake AND doing tiny bits of homework (albeit very tiny). I mean, I won't be able to focus on homework until I finish this season, so why bother? Right?

Seriously, though, this season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been amazing. It's also interesting because there's an episode near the middle that has this lovely way of ripping your heart out but it's still beautiful (if you've seen it you know which one I'm referring to) that I had actually seen before. My friend Jessica has always been a little aghast at the fact that this episode was the only episode of Buffy I'd seen the entire way through for the longest time. I had seen parts of the one where Xander is possessed by a hyena and parts of the last episode of the fifth season, but "The Body" was the only one I'd seen it its entirety. It was odd watching it today, finally in context of the five years of history the show had gone through previous to the episode. It was interesting to remember the first time I watched it, not understanding various relationships and histories and characters, and then comparing it to watching it now.

It's kind of like when you take anything out of context. Sure, you can understand most of it, but there's so much more beneath that you just can't see. Which makes me think about people. People, it seems, are always out of context. Or more importantly, we can only seem to understand someone in context. Or maybe it's the context we often understand more than the person themselves.

Or maybe I've been watching to much TV and eating/drinking too much stuff with sugar in it and it's going to my brain.

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