Monday, September 6, 2010

Trying To Figure Itself Out

I find I get the best bouts of inspiration at ungodly hours. Namely, those hours being after the time one should be in bed if that person wants to wake up before noon the next day. If I decide to wait until the morning to climb out of my bed and turn on my laptop in order to take advantage of the inspiration, it's gone by the time I wake up. If I decide to stay up and take advantage of the inspiration, I feel awful and will refuse to do anything the next day. My muse is evil. Or amused with him/her/itself. Or both. Yes, probably both.

Last night was one of those nights after I watched The Young Victoria with Emily Blunt playing Queen Victoria. A friend recommended the movie to me, and after I watched the trailer I knew I had to see it. Plus, I have LOVED Emily Blunt sine I watched her in The Devil Wears Prada. Thankfully, it's on netflix play instantly at the moment (I freaking LOVE that part of the service) so I watched it. I really enjoyed the movie and, according to Wikipedia, it seems somewhat historically accurate (although a few things are changed for the purposes of drama as all movies based on historical events are). Although, it's odd because Prince Albert is played by the same actor who plays Mr. Wickham in the recent Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice. Except, the guy is absolutely adorable and awesome from the moment he appeared on screen, and I instantly wanted to marry him. If you're into movies like Pride and Prejudice, or any sort of period drama with a bit of romance, you should check this one out. I'm tempted to watch it again right now actually. Again, I know I love a book/movie/story when I want to start writing after I watch it, so this one is going into the favorites.

Speaking of writing, the rewrite is going surprisingly well. I thought I would hate rewriting it, but I'm loving how the story is changing and morphing into something better as I go along. This attitude will probably change once I hit those lovely moments of getting stuck, but for right now I'm having fun with it and not minding the whole rewriting thing. I'm not sure what will happen with the rewrite when November comes and I attempt to write its sequel (which has been in my head since shortly after I wrote the first one for Nanowrimo in 2007), but it'll probably just go on hold until December.

In other news, I have finally started using the crafting blog I set up ages ago. If you ever looked at my profile and saw a blog called "Stardust Stuff" sitting there doing nothing, this is what it's meant for. You can find it at where I've currently got an introductory post set up. Check it out if you're interesting in my crafting adventures.

I'm not sure when the next time I blog will be as I'm going camping with the lovely Chelsea this week, but when I return there will be tales of epic road trip adventures! Or complaints about how it always rains when you go camping in the Pacific Northwest. Or both. Yes, probably both.


  1. DUDE. It'll rain now because you said that D:

    But I'm excited!

  2. It won't rain because we're going to bring all the rain gear stuff.
