Now, I could say the reason I haven't posted is because I've been super busy getting ready to move back to my wonderful and amazing college town (which I'm doing this Sunday). This is partially true. I've bought some new clothes, like new jeans, leggings, a nice sweater so I don't swear a zip-up hoodie every day of my life, and a pretty blue and plaid dress because I've been wanting a dress. Although, through some weird, cosmic event I managed to lose enough weight this summer to just barely not be the size I used to be. So, much of my shopping trip was going back and forth to the dressing room to figure out what size actually fit. Which is good, but slightly annoying. I also bought some kitchen things (like a crockpot, silverware, pots/pans) because they were super on sale. I was going to go to IKEA today to look for more super cheap kitchen things, except for the real reason I've been a busy hermit:
Halo Reach.
Yes, I'm one of those people. Although, really, you should have figured that out by now. If you hadn't, well, here it is tipping its hat and introducing itself to you.
We got the game at midnight. Well, attempted to get the game at midnight. There was some issue with how the pre-order receipt was printed for my brother's limited edition Halo Reach fancy-schmancy console he got for his birthday, so he had to wait for the manager to straighten some things out. However, we did finally get both the console AND the exceedingly expensive legendary edition (although the super-nerd in my says the legendary edition may have been worth it). Then my brother felt it was necessary to very slowly and very ceremoniously open the giant legendary box. When we finally did start playing (and when I say we I mean my brother played while I watched and yelled at him to do things like watch the grenade and look out for the elite that's about to shank him with a beam sword) it was so freaking awesome. Seriously, this game is ridiculous in its awesome. Yes, there are problems, but they are definitely made up for by the positives. I'm normally more of an (alert! Nerd Acronyms!) RPG fan than an FPS fan, but this game it amazing. Plus, I'm a sucker for games where you can choose to play a female main character who kicks ass while not having to be a sex symbol. It's the little things in life, I know.
Now, I should really be getting back to the packing I mentioned somewhere near the beginning of the post. I can't quite remember due to the Reach block that's currently inhabiting my brain. Yes, I could go pack, or I could go play Reach especially since I finally got an Xbox Live Gold Account so I can play online multiplayer. Yes, maybe I will do that.
Yay for procrastination.
I soooo can't wait for an xbox. I'm actually sorely tempted to get the Reach bundle thing. We'll see how long it takes for me to save up the money...