Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes...

Dreams are funny things, I think. And I don't just mean the weird things that run through your head at night that you don't always remember. And I'm not just talking about the hope type dreams you have for your life. I mean both kinds of dreams, and how similar they are. Or how much they can intertwine. If you want something badly enough, and you think about it enough, it often enters into your dreams. When I watch way too much of a show,play some video game constantly, or am in the midst of whatever my latest obsession is that obsession usually enters into my dreams in one way or another. Like that weird Buffy dream I had a few weeks ago after I spent nearly the entire weekend watching season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I remember in my senior year of high school when I had to keep a dream journal for my AP psychology class. Honestly, my dreams are really really weird. Which is something I've always wondered, are most people's dreams really weird? Plus, my dreams always feel more like video games than movies. There's usually some sort of protagonist (not always me, but much of the time it is) and I'm playing in their role, but at the same time I realize that it's not real and it's just some crazy adventure. I've had dreams where it REALLY felt like a video game because there was leveling up, party characters, map "screens", etc. Some of these video game dreams can rival Japanese RPGs in weirdness, and you've ever played a JRPG then you know that's saying something.

The weirdest dreams, though, are the ones where my dreams for real life slip through. I usually obsess about things pretty heavily and they tend to dominate my thoughts in a sort of endless loop of worrying/wanting/excitement/plans/etc. So similarly to when Buffy pops up in a dream those real life dreams that I obsess about manifest themselves. Like this going to Japan thing. I can't tell you the number of dreams that are either set entirely in Japan or I go to Japan.

But, because they're real things that I want in the real world, those are the weirdest dreams. I just wish I could stop having these dreams in my sleep, and make them goals. Goals are things that can actually happen. Goals have substance. Goals are concrete. Dreams are kind of like old school Disney princesses who wait around hoping that someone will rescue them from whatever predicament they're in (ie Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, even Belle somewhat, although she shows initiative by trying to rescue her father). Goals are more like the "girl power" princesses where they go out and do the things they know they should/want to (ie Mulan, Tiana).

Anyway, just some thoughts on dreams. I am curious though, how do your dreams usually play out?

Now I really do need to go read Gravity's Rainbow and study Japanese because I've spent the past few hours changing my blog layout and writing this post. Speaking of which, how does the layout look? Any comments/suggestions/things that are broken but I missed?

Playing Around

So, right now, instead of reading the near 200 pages of Gravity's Rainbow I need to read (I'm a little behind in the reading) or working on the other mounds of homework I have I'm messing around with my blog layout. So, for a bit here it's going to look a little weird. No worries though, I'll have it up and (more or less) good looking here in a bit :)

EDIT: Okay! layout is (pretty much) finished! I haven't 100% decided if I want the header image to be over the whole blog, or if I want it just over the sidebar like it is now. We'll see though. For now, I think it's good.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This week's W3CG video! I know, I skipped a day again, but (as I mention in the video) my Japanese midterm of doom part one was today. Part two is tomorrow. I'm leaving now to do the studying I've put off ALL NIGHT.

WTWA: Uh, I'm halfway through my Japanese midterm and tomorrow it'll be over? No, that's sad. I played video games today. So, yes. That's why. I played video games today.

My life is sad XD