Thursday, August 5, 2010

Being a Nerd

If you know me in any sort of capacity, be it solely online or in real life, I'm sure it did not take you long to come to the conclusion that I am definitely a nerd. Maybe if you only sat next to me in Chemistry in 11th grade you might not have realize that. No, that's a lie. I talked about video games with the guys next to me in that class. Maybe if you sat across the room from me in a class I never talked in. Then maybe in that case you would have missed the undeniable and nearly unmissable fact that I am a proud card carrying member of Geekdom and Nerdfighteria (By the way, that second one is real. Unfortunately, we don't carry cards but we definitely should).

I love both webcomics and comic book stores. I think the most peaceful place is in the back of used bookstore, hidden between ceiling high bookshelves crammed with books. I enjoyed the free response section of the AP Calculus BC exam. I think grinding is something you do in dungeons against monsters, not on the dance floor. My ideal guy is more likely able to pwn me in video games (which, despite my love of video games, isn't that hard) than able to bench press some impressive number. I'm offended when people mix up Star Wars and Star Trek. I can easily rank my favorite Star Trek captains (Janeway, Archer, Picard, Kirk, Sisko) although my favorite Star Trek series doesn't exactly correspond to the list of captains (Voyager, Original, Enterprise, Next Generation, DS9) (and to all you Star Trek fans aghast at my list, you try watching The Next Generation the first time for four days straight while you're throwing up and then see if that's a good memory). The list of science fiction shows I've watched is ridiculously long, and the average person hasn't heard of half of them (Babylon 5 anyone? Farscape?). I learned how to knit because I wanted to make my own Gryffindor scarf (because I've FINALLY decided that I'm a Gryffindor). And if you understood everything I mentioned in this paragraph you get +10 to INT. (If you read the entire paragraph, you get +5).

If you're still reading this, I've probably trained you to be impervious to ridiculous amounts of nerd lingo, you were already a nerd when I met you, or I turned you into a nerd. Unfortunately for you, I'm not exactly sure what my point is in this post beyond just trying to make a post for BEDA.

If anything, this post was spurned on by a conversation I was having with Chelsea earlier: my place in Geekdom is in danger until I have played Final Fantasy 7 (or really any Final Fantasy title). It's like my nerd blind spot. I realize Final Fantasy can be mainstream nerd at times (if there is such a thing) but still. One day I will find it, play it, and it will be awesome. Or I will complain about it because it's an original Playstation game. One of the two.


  1. hey now, I don't think your place in Geekdom is in jeopardy. I think you have plenty of things to keep you here.
    And you will play it :D

  2. I just like to be dramatic since I have nothing else to be dramatic about XD

  3. I think that is a very valid thing to do.
    I am quite often doing that. Why just go get a bowl of cereal, when you can VERY SNEAKILY get a bowl of cereal. It's more entertaining.

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed this AND kept up with it (for the most part) ^_^

  5. Heather----! Um, I love you.

    And I am about to sit down and play Pokemon and Animal Crossing on a friday night. Nerds! :D :D :D
