Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shut Up and Let Me Shoot Things

Every time I go grocery shopping these days (usually with one of my parents, because I'm lame) I think a lot about how in a month I will have to go get groceries for myself. I will have to cook for myself. I will be living a little bit more on my own than I did last year. Admittedly, I'm still in campus housing (in the on-campus apartments) so I don't have to really pay bills and that sort of thing since all that gets lumped in with my tuition. However, it's still that little reminder of, "Hey! Guess what! You need to sort of start acting like an adult." Well, maybe more like a mature child with more responsibilities. I don't feel like I'll be out growing toys (like, I want THIS really badly) or making up worlds for my imagination to play in any time soon.

Anyway, I've been working on trying to learn more recipes and cook more things as the summer goes on. Recently I found this website devoted to healthy eating and working out and whatnot, and have been wanting to try a bunch of the recipes on there. So, I picked up a bunch of stuff to make things like protein pancakes, cucumber salad, healthy cupcakes (this one I'm really curious about), and sweet potato fries. I made these peanut butter bites from that same website tonight after dinner, and oh wow 0_0 So. Good. Then again, I have a special weakness for peanut butter. Add chocolate to it and you've got my kryptonite.

Other than contemplating the impending stroll back into adulthood and real life, I've spent most of the day listening to my brother berate my video game playing. Like, "Wait, you're using THAT gun?", "Seriously, just go for the head shot. Head. Shot. One shot kill. Really useful", and "Hey, you know what helps? Having ammo and avoiding getting shot". Yes, thank you Nathan. Because I'm sure you've never run out of ammo and have never been shot. Shut up and let me shoot things before I grab one of your airsoft guns and shoot you.

Unfortunately, if I said that, he'd probably laugh and say how that isn't really a threat because A) half of them are broken and the other half are finicky and B) I'd probably miss anyway.

1 comment:

  1. You are extremely witty.
    Just thought you should know.
