Yesterday was not really a good day for any of my projects. I didn't exercise at all over the weekend. Not only that, but yesterday I definitely ate potato chips out the bag and more microwavable food than I've had in the past month. So, after playing Halo 3 on legendary difficulty with my brother for six hours and then suddenly realizing that it was 12:30 and thus had failed BEDA, I went to bed feeling pretty crappy. Okay, the Halo was awesome. I don't regret playing Halo for 6 hours with my brother (and I swear the last Halo 3 mission on legendary is even more epic and crazy than on normal or heroic difficulty, but that's a different story). Partially because I love video games and I love doing things with my brother. No, it's not the Halo I regret. But, when I went to bed last night I had horrible headache and that sort of achy go-away-world feeling.
This morning, however, was different. I woke up, ate breakfast, and made sure I ran on the treadmill for an hour before doing anything else. Then, after talking with my mom for a little bit about running shoes, I decided to drink a protein shake while writing this blog. Because, I think more than anything else, giving up at this point would be more like failing than just not posting yesterday. Not getting up and deciding to get back on the treadmill would be failing. A few days ago I posted a list of random things about myself. However, I feel like I left something off. The thing I hate more than anything else? Giving up. Giving up and not sticking to what you said you were going to do, even if you messed up a little. I think that's something my parents have always drilled into my head, and there's a part of me that's afraid if I give up once I'll see how easy it is and will continue to give up. I don't want that.
I am continuing BEDA. Not only that, but I think I'm going to post twice today (this post this morning and then a post tonight) so I will still have 31 posts for the month of August. So I didn't fail BEDA, I just tripped a little. Which, honestly, there's nothing wrong with that.
As long as you don't give up.
I was sad when I didn't get to read a blog before I went to sleep. I didn't get my Heather-fix D:
ReplyDeleteBut I agree. Just because you goof up once (or twice, or even three times), it doesn't mean you're a failure.
A failure is when you give up after you goof up.
And yay for not giving up on things you commit to!