Random thoughts number one: Today I contemplated dying my hair red. Not like a bright red, but like, a darker kind of red. I've been really bored of my hair lately, but I feel like there's only so many ways to cut it. So, if you want to do something dramatic and different with your hair that isn't cutting it, what's left? I do like my current hair color, although I would like it better if it was a little light. But, I was toying with the idea (not seriously considering it) until I talked to Chelsea about it and then really badly photo shopped a picture of myself to somewhat see what I would look like with red hair. So, that might happen, but probably not until school starts. If I do there will definitely be pictures.
Random thought that occurred to me today as I was playing Borderlands: I feel like video game and anime characters can withstand WAY more punishment than an actual human being. They can also jump a lot higher. Now, in Halo there is a justification for the fact there's no fall damage and they have a ridiculous ability to jump really high, but most of the time characters are just super-humans with shields. I watched Dragonball Z as a kid and the only thing I remember about it is that battles were 20 episodes long and battles usually consisted of both opponents getting CRUSHED INTO GIANT BOULDERS as many times as possible with giant dust clouds and whatnot. I think they might have been aliens with super powers though, but that doesn't fall in the list of two things I remember about the show.
Random thought number two from THIS VIDEO: The vlogbrothers have been doing this project called Thoughts From Places which is a series of videos in which they create video blogs about places they visit. Except, it's more of a video essay than a video blog. Ever since getting into watching video blogs back when the vlogbrothers first started, I've been really interested in doing things a different way than they are usually done. For example, using a camera instead of a piece of paper/word document/blogging program to record your thoughts. I really like this idea of a video essay because I think it creates a larger space in which to do more in an essay. I like how it enables a different way of thinking and of going about such a thing as an essay. As an English major and a book nerd, I love words and I love essays. Except, they don't have to be stuck on a piece of paper or a computer screen for me to love a good story or a good thought. That's why I love movies, television, video games, and yes, the wonderful world that is video blogging.
Last random thought: I don't understand why blue is the "sad" color. Blue seems more like limitless possibilities and endless time than... being sad. When I look at a blue sky, I'm not sad. When I look at the enormous expanse of the ocean, I'm not sad. Something colorless seems more apt for sad; something colorless is empty.
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