Thursday, August 26, 2010

Staircases and Ladders

I really like books. I mean, I've always liked books and I assume I always will. Since I was a little kid, books were what held my attention. I went through some paperbacks in less time than the round trip to the bookstore. I love old books and used bookstores. In my dream house, I will have a room devoted to books. I hope it will be similar to Neil Gaiman's home library that I like to drool over.

A love associated to books and libraries is the piece of furniture that holds those books: bookshelves. Wednesdays have become a favorite day of the week at Booklicious where they showcase bookshelves and celebrity libraries. So, here are some of my favorite bookshelves I've found online (or have been featured in that blog).

This one came from a whole set of pictures where this couple shoved books into every possible space in their house. My favorite is this one where they turned their staircase into a giant bookshelf. Can you imagine grabbing a pillow and curling up at the top of that staircase, reading while surrounded by books like that? (Note to self, perhaps dream house home library should be in attic with a staircase like this?)

I really like the idea of painting the backs of the shelves. Especially with the rest of the room being grey like this. It's like, "Hey! Surprise! There's color back here!" It amuses me.

I think the awesome of this one speaks for itself.

Another requirement of the dream home library? It has high enough ceilings where you can have bookshelves that require ladders. Not only does it seem even more hardcore, but when no one is looking I can re-enact that part in Beauty and the Beast when Belle swings around slides with the ladder. I think it might be worth it just for that fact alone.

Also, have you guys seen those invisible bookshelves? I'm amused by the fact it looks like there isn't a shelf holding up the books, but I think I'd only use those for display books I don't actually read. I mean, I have those (like my Harry Potter collector's editions or my really old copies of Shakespeare plays)

Bonus Bookshelf:

I found this on tumblr the other day. I know it's more of a closet, but the converse fan in me squealed a little at this wonderful picture. Oh Chucks, why must you be an expensive brand name?

1 comment:

  1. These made me realize that I need more bookshelves.
    I legitimately have nowhere to put my books, especially now that my mom is shipping the rest of them to me.

    I've also always loved the idea of a staircase-bookcase.
