Today's post is stolen from Chelsea where she lists random things about herself. I don't feel too bad about stealing it though, since she originally took the idea from facebook (you know, those "List 25 random things about yourself then tag 25 people who in turn have to to list 25 random facts and tag 25 people who... Well, you get it).
I still check my old Neopets account to collect my bank interest and play the arcade games. My first nanowrimo novel is technically a trilogy (but, honestly, how pretentious is that?). I've recently decided that I am definitely a Gryffindor. Reading Harry Potter instantly makes me feel better no matter what is going on. So does huckleberry ice cream and almost anything with chocolate and peanut butter.
The first computer game I can remember playing was either Winnie the Pooh or something to do with Barbie and horses, but I played games on my Dad's old Super Nintendo before that. I (mostly) single handedly won a reading competition in my first grade class. The class was split into two teams and we competed to see which team had the most reading hours. I was the only one who turned any hours in (save for one guy who turned in an hour or two), but my "team" still won.
I'm a sucker for anti-hero, rogue-ish, and villain-turned-good types of characters. (Example: Han Solo is better than Luke. Prince Zuko in The Last Airbender was my favorite character from the first episode). I actually remember little things about the day my little brother was born and the day he turned a year old (for those who don't know, I was only 2-years-old when he was born).
I've read half of each of the books in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The first half of both The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, and the second half of The Return of the King. I have read all of The Hobbit.
I love bright colors. It bothers me when the label for something is giant and in the middle of whatever it is. Like t-shirts that have the brand plastered across it. I love covering things with stickers. I collect action figures and comic books. My favorite class in high school was my calculus classes (not, as one would think, my English classes although I did really like my English teacher Junior year). I know how to use basic to intermediate HTML, CSS, and PHP coding because I used to have my own website (it was called I used to be really afraid of elevators, but now I'm only kind of afraid of them (due to the fact that they're kind of a presence in our everyday lives). I'm afraid that I'll back out of doing the things I've dreamed of doing.
I work really hard to make the people around me feel loved, but most of the time I feel like I don't do enough (or say it enough).
Most of my favorite things have been things my brother really liked and introduced to me. The West Wing, Doctor Who, video games in general, and Babylon 5 are a few of those things. Harry Potter, however, I read first. My brother and I used to play Nancy Drew games together all the time when we were younger. When we were really little he also played Pretty Pretty Princess with me when I really wanted to play but there was no one else around to play it with me (because he is the best brother ever).
And I feel that now I have listed enough random things although I didn't really count how many I listed. Anyway, that last paragraph started being more about Nathan than about me. Which is fine, because he's awesome.
I applaud you for remembering things about your younger brother's birth and first birthday. I was older than you when my younger was born. Do I remember anything? Only that I got ice cream. *facepalm*