Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blast from the Past

Today's post is sort of a guest post. Who is this guest poster you ask? Why, it's six-year-old Heather! I mean, I wrote a letter to my 30-year-old self and I keep talking about the future and becoming an adult, so why shouldn't single-digit-aged Heather have a go?

When I was little I LOVED making picture books. I would write little stories, then I would draw pictures for them and bring them to show my preschool teachers. One day, my mom thought that we could type up one of my stories on the computer and print it out so it would look like a "real" book. Six-year-old Heather was, of course, ecstatic about the idea. Now, due to motherly genius and the miracle of technology I have this treasure to share with everyone today. I'm pretty sure I was the one who typed this, but I think Mom may have helped. Microsoft word probably did some auto correct stuff too (I don't remember how well that worked in 1997). I have not edited this to keep the integrity of the story and the time traveling intact.

The following story is actually from my six-year-old brain. I can't make this stuff up. Well, I used to be able to (apparently) but now I can't.


the angry rainbow

once there was a rainbow who was angry because he like the shade better than the sun. The sun was to bright and he didn’t want to work in the sun but rest in the shade.

He was also sad on the inside because he missed his family. His family moved far away while he was at school.

One day there was a little rainbow who came to the land of rainbows. The angry rainbow was surprised by the baby. The baby was scared of all the stranger rainbows.

one day the angry rainbow had to take a test. the test was a math test to see if he could add points in games. he had 10 minutes to take the test. he did takes-aways and he did addition.

he did 1 to 10 he did 10 to 19 he did 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19.

he did 20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30 he did all of those numbers to 30 and he wins.

But he will always have friends like his and everyone was surprised that he was happy and he sang the ABC song. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now I no my ABC’s next time wont you sing with me .the end


Okay, leave it to six-year-old me to write a story about an EMO RAINBOW. I think I took the happiest thing in the universe and made it sad. That's talent right there. Or, well, it's something.

If only I could find the printed and "illustrated" version of The Angry Rainbow. That, my friends, would be what one would call "comic gold".


  1. I love this!

    And, it sounds like six-year-old Heather was afraid her family would move away while she was at school, liked math, and also afraid of strangers.

    I'm glad you posted it :D

  2. Hahahaha. That's the best story ever :) I really enjoyed the alphabet song thrown in at the end.
